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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

Reformation Sunday – Hymn Sing

November 16th, 2018 by Aubri

2018-10-28 17.07.56

On Sunday October 28th we held our second annual Reformation Sunday Hymn Sing. It was a good time last year  we thought we’d try it again. This is a fun way for us to celebrate our Lutheran heritage and sing some of the wonderful historical hymnody we enjoy in our Lutheran church. A thanks to everyone who was willing to show up and sing around our living room!

Today we also presented a My First Catechism to Gerhardt per our tradition at his age. He’s so proud of himself for how much of it he’s read so far.

2018-10-28 17.08.03

2018-10-28 16.05.42

2018-10-28 16.07.41

2018-10-28 16.07.45

2018-10-28 16.07.55

3 Responses to “Reformation Sunday – Hymn Sing”

  1. Carrie H says:

    What an exciting day for Gerhardt! Do you have any other books you like to give at a certain age?

  2. Aubri says:

    Carrie, what a great question! Worth a post I think! 😀

    So far all we’ve done is the 1st catechism at 1st or 2nd grade and then a bible cover for 3rd grade since our congregation presents all 3rd graders with a Bible that year.

    I’ve wanted to come up with other books to give at other milestones, such as entering catechism classes, confirmation and maybe graduation from High school. I think kids should own some Lutheran writings like a BOC or some of Luther’s, but at what age is worth considering.

    A few ideas I’ve come up with are:

    Entering Catechism:
    Our congregation provides a catechism book for each student so I was thinking of other ideas.
    1. Lutheranism 101- Now, I don’t know if this is a book I can completely endorse yet because I have not read it but it’s on my “to consider” list:

    2. maybe a personal copy of the Lutheran Service Book which our congregation uses and we use all the time at home for family devotions.

    3. The Large Catechism – Now that they know the Small one they can go on to deeper study with the Large.

    Graduation from school:
    4. Treasury of Daily Prayer- I use this everyday for my own Bible and prayer time.

    5. Reading the Psalms with Luther – another book I love having:

    6. Day By Day (daily readings from luther) I have super loved having this little book and use it all the time too:

    We used to give each baby a My First Hymnal at an early age, but after 2 of them I thought I really didn’t want a ton of these on the shelf. But it is a good one to have for sure, so it’s worth adding to this list as an option:

    I think these books would set a child up with a good library to have in their own homes someday.

    Anyone else have any suggestions?

  3. Aubri says:

    Oh maybe this one for entering catechism classes is a good idea too:

    Our Faith from A-Z:

    it’s really written on an upper elementary or middle school age child’s level I think, very informative for kids that age.