I typically have our public radio station on for most of the day, playing some kind of music usually in the classical genre. Sometime recently whilst I cooked a wonderful lunch for my family, Clara asked me “what was happening”. I think the music got tense or exciting and caught her attention, it took me a minute to realize what she was asking about. I made something up and began to tell her a story of “what was happening” that went along with the music.
It has become a fun game both girls like to play while I make lunch or supper and occasionally if it’s playing while we eat. I don’t mind doing this…most of the time, it can get exhausting for this shriveling mind. But I love stretching their little imaginations in this way and using a different medium of entertainment that I don’t know many kids get these days.
It also reminded me of the two days in the 6th grade that my English teacher tried to suddenly instill music appreciation in her students by playing the recording of Peter and the Wolf. I don’t think it was very entertaining for 11 year olds sitting there listening to a bunch of instruments and a bit of a story line…with no pictures but the ones you made up yourself in your noggin (!). I thought it was fascinating. But I’ve always been a bit of a nerd like that.
Anyway, I was surprised and excited when the other day Peter and the Wolf came on the radio! We listened for a while. Today I found some sites that let you listen online. The quality isn’t the best but will work:
Bay Area Little Symphony
All American Orchestra
And we also watched this one…I thought some pictures wouldn’t be too bad. 🙂
Peter and the Wolf- Disney Story
And I came across this Peter and the Wolf short film some time ago. It’s good, but a little too much for the babies at this age so I’ll keep it for later.
Peter and The Wolf
Do any of you do this with your kiddos or listen to books on tape with them?