March 29: Rose is 18 months old now, what a year and a half it has been! The last several months she has made so many leaps in her physical abilities. She finally started rolling from her back which gives her some mobility on the floor. She can scoot around on her bottom, lay down and then get back into a sitting position now as well. All of this changes so much for what she can explore. She also working hard on standing up with her AFOs on, she stands stationary in a “stander” to build bone strength and she’s getting slightly better at moving a bit in her baby wheelchair. She’s a happy girl, so strong. We’re so thankful for her!
May 29: Rosie turns eight months old! This month she sits all by herself for a minute, gets fitted for her first pair of Ankle Foot Orthotics and starts doing more “leg work” for PT. Unfortunately this month she’s also had to fight off two UTIs after we had to begin using catheters to ensure her bladder is fully emptied. We do this several times a day from now on. With a bladder regimen going she also now has a bowel regimen. So much fun for her. Oh and she still hasn’t gotten any teeth!
April 9: Floor time with Rose. This week our physical therapist brought a new type of seat to try so Rose can sit up better to play and keep learning to control her upper body better. She’s getting really good at “sitting.” I mean all hail Queen Rose. Month six is proving to be a big one for her!
April 7: Doing Rose a solid! Finally introducing some food to this hungry girl and she loves it. More importantly she swallows it. I’ve been concerned she would have a strong gag reflex or trouble swallowing as I have come across other parents of children with Spina Bifida describe, but she seems to be doing very well with this first meal at least.
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