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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

Archive for the ‘Figuring It Out’ Category

True Beauty

Monday, May 5th, 2014


Thank you to Rebekah for kicking me into gear with this post I’ve been sitting on for a while now. I won’t write a lot because I think most women all too familiar with the problem we have with “negative body image”. We’re all very familiar with the lies our culture crams down our throats so need to go into that either. We all struggle in our own ways, if you don’t struggle wonderful! What a gift! I’ve met some of you ladies and you’re my heroes!

I just wanted to share some posts and quotes I’ve come across over the last few months that said things I needed to hear.



Tuesday, January 14th, 2014


I’m finding it harder to have much time at my computer these days (I’m sure none of you can imagine why). Email, the blogs I love to read, staring at cooler peoples’ Pins, these things are starting to take a back seat.

I love having this blog, it’s kind of become a part of my life, as a journal and a reference for me.

I, as many bloggers do, find myself many times throughout the day thinking, “I need to make a post about that.” or “I’d better get this on the blog or I’ll forget it happened.”

I have a lot I’d like to share on this blog, but having the time to share it is getting more difficult to come by. When I think of having to sit down and spend much more than 5-10 minutes typing, it will most likely not get done. Wimpy blogger I am.

But there are days and weeks that can go by and I realize I haven’t posted anything and I suddenly want to “catch everyone up” But really? That’s a lot of work.

And when I think of all the other work that really needs to be done, sitting at the computer becomes a luxury.


That rib ain’t gonna walk itself to the trash can.
(I’m ignoring the boot, the sock and the dirty dishrag.)

I’m also working on the finer things of life offline like, oh, reading actual books, getting some exercise and hopefully taking up my knitting needles again.

So I’ve decided that to simplify this part of my life some of my posts might take on an even simpler format, as in maybe just pictures or a quote, a video or dare I post just a LINK?! Hopefully you can all just read my mind and enjoy what I probably would have written.

So basically  all the things you’ve come to expect from this blog anyway.

(Hmm, well, maybe all this just to say that not much will change.)




The Gift of “Eventually”

Thursday, June 20th, 2013

Maybe, maybe, I’m getting better at this surviving 5 under 5 gig. Talking to my very good friend today about how in awe we are over Mamas who can smile through the mess around them. Who seem genuinely happy and at peace even when all around them is anything but peaceful. We want that magic!


More on Chores and Lenten Cleaning

Wednesday, February 20th, 2013


Do any of you use Lent as a time to “deep clean” your house? I really like that idea. Though I find just staying on top of the basics takes most of the time I have.

Last year I saw Jessica’s schedule and was very impressed. I used it as a guide on SOME days. I think I’ll make my own version this year.
