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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13


January 14th, 2014 by Aubri


I’m finding it harder to have much time at my computer these days (I’m sure none of you can imagine why). Email, the blogs I love to read, staring at cooler peoples’ Pins, these things are starting to take a back seat.

I love having this blog, it’s kind of become a part of my life, as a journal and a reference for me.

I, as many bloggers do, find myself many times throughout the day thinking, “I need to make a post about that.” or “I’d better get this on the blog or I’ll forget it happened.”

I have a lot I’d like to share on this blog, but having the time to share it is getting more difficult to come by. When I think of having to sit down and spend much more than 5-10 minutes typing, it will most likely not get done. Wimpy blogger I am.

But there are days and weeks that can go by and I realize I haven’t posted anything and I suddenly want to “catch everyone up” But really? That’s a lot of work.

And when I think of all the other work that really needs to be done, sitting at the computer becomes a luxury.


That rib ain’t gonna walk itself to the trash can.
(I’m ignoring the boot, the sock and the dirty dishrag.)

I’m also working on the finer things of life offline like, oh, reading actual books, getting some exercise and hopefully taking up my knitting needles again.

So I’ve decided that to simplify this part of my life some of my posts might take on an even simpler format, as in maybe just pictures or a quote, a video or dare I post just a LINK?! Hopefully you can all just read my mind and enjoy what I probably would have written.

So basically  all the things you’ve come to expect from this blog anyway.

(Hmm, well, maybe all this just to say that not much will change.)




6 Responses to “Posting”

  1. Kristi says:

    I hear you loud and clear, honey. Being technologically-inclined can be a huge hindrance to the little souls that need me to feed them God’s love right here and now.

    Computer time is a luxury indeed, and I use it as an escape from the chaos that is my vocation.

    Did I read your mind properly?

  2. You go girl!

    Take care of your family and enjoy those littles while they’re still, well, little! 🙂

    We’ll enjoy whatever you have time to share with us. Thanks for the update.


  3. Anne says:

    Just throw us a bone now and again and we’ll be satisfied. As a much older Mom I must emphasize that if you blog you will at least have some chronological record of your child rearing years. This is much more satisfying than leafing thru old wall calendars (the technique that we 80’s and 90’s moms had to use to record all the funnies and not so funnies.) That being said, if you let that rib lay about long enough it’ll be useful for a school project someday soon.

  4. Aubri says:

    Thanks ladies! And don’t worry, I don’t mean to say that I won’t be blogging any more, may post more often but shorter, more randomly since I don’t have much time to make them wordy. And by wordy I mean any words.

    Lea, part of enjoying my littles is getting to share them with all you wonderful readers! 🙂

    Yes Kristi, babies over blogging! 🙂

    Computer time is nice and I’ve come to need it for a REFERENCE much of the time…recipes and crafts for the kids, but the RECREATION part will be reserved for my “time off” such as it is, SO I’ll still keep you all updated I promise and don’t worry Grandparents there will still be photos of these precious babies! I ain’t going anywhere! Just expect shorter bursts of baby cuteness.

    Anne, you’re right, that’s one of the biggest reasons I keep up with this blog, to record our life. I have a terrible memory and really rely on what I put here. AND if I let that rib lay about long enough it probably WILL be able to walk itself to the trash can!

  5. Cathy says:

    Dear Aubrey, Bless you in your vocation as a wife and mother. I understand and want to encourage you. Blogging is a nice extra, but right now, with a houseful of little ones, there just isn’t much time for extras. Enjoy caring for your family–that’s a ton of work–and if you get a sliver of time to blog, consider it a bonus! God’s peace to you.

  6. Aubri says:

    Thank you for the encouraging words Cathy. It is a ton work to care for a large family. Sheesh, a SHOWER feels like one of those “extras” right now! Peace to you as well.