The other night while I cooked supper I put on one of my favorite pick me up jams, “I Need a Hero.”
And you girls danced and sang. I might have too a little. How could I not? Listen to those drums!
I remember this song from when I was your age Lily and the times I’ve hummed it, sang it, bopped around to it here and there throughout the years. I remember the waiting. Waiting for my “hero” and wondering if there would ever be one for me. And I want you to know that I’m glad I waited because he finally came. God in His wisdom brought just the hero I needed.
My hero was your Daddy.
He wasn’t a knight on a fiery stead, he wasn’t larger than life, or superman, he was better.
He was a sinner whom the Holy Spirit has called by the Gospel, enlightened with His gifts, and sanctified and kept in the true faith. A man that could look at married life and see that indeed it holds many “insignificant, distasteful, and despised duties,” but in the Spirit was aware that these duties “are all adorned with divine approval as with the costliest gold and jewels.” (Thank you Luther.)