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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

Your Daddy The Hero

February 12th, 2015 by Aubri



The other night while I cooked supper I put on one of my favorite pick me up jams, “I Need a Hero.”

And you girls danced and sang. I might have too a little. How could I not? Listen to those drums!

I remember this song from when I was your age Lily and the times I’ve hummed it, sang it, bopped around to it here and there throughout the years. I remember the waiting. Waiting for my “hero” and wondering if there would ever be one for me. And I want you to know that I’m glad I waited because he finally came. God in His wisdom brought just the hero I needed.

My hero was your Daddy.

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He wasn’t a knight on a fiery stead, he wasn’t larger than life, or superman, he was better.


He was a sinner whom the Holy Spirit has called by the Gospel, enlightened with His gifts, and sanctified and kept in the true faith. A man that could look at married life and see that indeed it holds many “insignificant, distasteful, and despised duties,” but in the Spirit was aware that these duties “are all adorned with divine approval as with the costliest gold and jewels.” (Thank you Luther.)


And he didn’t come racing with the thunder and rising with the heat. Your Daddy came walking into a friend’s kitchen. He didn’t sweep me off my feet but gave me something sure to stand on. He made a promise to love me as Christ loves the Church. To love me as his own body.




Your Daddy is a man that will strive to put our needs before his. Your Daddy loves you children enough to discipline you all and make sure you know he’s the boss, to teach you God’s Word and make sure you’re raised in the one true faith so that when you’re older you won’t depart from it.


He accepts the role God has given him, to be the head of our family. And none of that is always easy.



Your Daddy is the kind of man that will do many silly things just because he knows you’ll like it. He’ll also make you do many things that you won’t want to do just because he knows it’s good for you.




He’ll teach you how to fish, how to play soccer, how to build a fire and about baseball.



He’ll show you how to plant a garden and how to use all those tools he has in the garage.



He’ll proudly push the baby train in a race and walk you to school everyday.


I’ve written before all the reasons I love your Daddy. I hope someday that that list makes you proud and that you know how blessed you all are to have been given a Daddy that isn’t perfect, but is a faithful man who desires to love us all as he is called to do, to take up his cross and follow Christ.


Daughters, someday you’ll meet boys who might talk sweet, talk smart and tell you nice things. They might be good to look at and make you laugh, but I’ll tell you this, if they’re not like your Daddy, you can wait.



Sons, you’ll grow bigger and stronger every year. You’ll hear all kinds of talk on what it is to be a man.


 But I’ll tell you something, if you want to know what a man is.


 Look at your Daddy.



6 Responses to “Your Daddy The Hero”

  1. Beverly Runkle says:

    Awww! Beautifully expressed.

  2. Kristi says:

    Tissues. I must find a box of tissues.

    That was written from your soul, honey. So well-stated for your daughters and your sons. (And for those of us who are blessed to peek into your home.)

  3. Emily says:

    Echo Beverly and Kristi. I’m totally going to borrow this to share with my DH. And go find more tissues! Thank you, thank you, Aubri and Phil!

  4. rebekah says:


  5. Carrie H says:

    I second needed a box of tissues! This is so sweet, so heart-felt. I wish I could express myself like you can.

  6. Anne says:

    This is so beautiful and so timely. When I think about how much clutter filled my Twitter today regarding a recently released movie and what type of man women might lust after, I feel so bereft, so concerned for the world where my grandchildren will carry on. And then, this. Your very public love letter describing the purest form of love, that between a man and wife united in Christ. Thank you again for allowing us to “peek inside”. This is 50 shades of fantastic . . . you are a true wordsmith.