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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

At The Parsonage

March 15th, 2012 by Aubri


Well, here’s a big fat catch up post! But first I thought I’d share what I read this morning, a little Lenten catechesis for us.

From The Large Catechism III 88-89

“And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.”

“It is not as though God did not forgive sin without and even before our prayer. He has given us the Gospel , in which is pure forgiveness before we prayed or ever thought about it (Romans 5:8) But the purpose of this prayer is that we may recognize and receive such forgiveness…We sin daily in word and deed, by what we do and fail to do (James 2:15-16). By this the conscience is thrown into unrest, so that it is afraid of God’s wrath and displeasure. So it loses the comfort and confidence derived from the Gospel. Therefore, it is always necessary that we run here and receive consolation to comfort the conscience again.”

Before our weather turned to the amazing (!) we had some yucky days. Blanket forts were required.

As was a box “van”…or “house” the girls declared, I know the dilemma…is it a van or a house??

Whatever it is, it has been hours of fun!

Other happenings this week, Esther getting better at eating and really really enjoying it…she is definitely my baby.

Yes, they are available for parties, weddings and Sunday services.

Our weather this week has been wonderful with highs in the 70s. Very HOT for this time of year when we’re usually still digging our cars out of the garage…if we can find it.

It’s tempting to put away the winter wear, but snow in April isn’t unheard of so we’re keeping that handy, along with the t-shirts and shorts, it’s all very confusing.

And get ourselves out as much as possible! I’m so glad the babies have figured out a way to all swing at one time…on one swing. So much easier on the Pusher!


And our Nebraska Grandparents are back from their Snow Birding in South Texas. While there they skipped over the border into Mexico and brought back some beautiful dresses for the girls.

And a vaquero hat for the boy! Good thing he wore his overalls that day.

And I’ll leave you with this recipe from Aunty Leah who is not “Layne Calhoun” but that would be a great alter-ego for you Leah.

I made these yesterday to take to church. They were delicious or should I say “Yummy!”

Apparently they’re not supposed to look like this.  Bet you can’t eat just one!


One Response to “At The Parsonage”

  1. Leah Washburn says:

    Oh, my mouth is watering and yes, mine look like that too. Come to think of it, so do Layne Calhoun’s when she makes them (which has been too long ago, I must mention that at work tomorrow!) Can’t wait to meet your sweet family in 3 months!