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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

Ten Months Old

July 9th, 2011 by Aubri

“Gehdit” as Clara calls him, is 10 months old now.  Month 9 slipped away from me, but here is what our guy has been up to the last couple months.

He’s climbing stairs…quickly and stealthily! The day after I took these pictures he got his first big owie on his nose from coming back down the stairs…quickly. But I was told it wasn’t too many of them thankfully. He’s also starting to stand on HIS OWN. Phil thinks he’ll be walking in a few weeks! Yowza.

Month 9 seemed to be the height of his “separation anxiety” or “mama leaving the room is as painful as getting your arm sawed off with a pencil then jumping into a vat of garlic juice”. But to my relief he is getting much better at bearing the pain. And starting to let me hand him off to other people without the “why’d you just mow over that nest of baby bunnies?” look.

*Mama, does he look like his uncle Jimmy (and Kris, a little like cousin Jacob!) in this picture or is it just me?!

He still eats like a champ, even off the floor and likes to scream at you until you’ve reloaded his tray. This makes for such a relaxing meal time at our house.

He is “signing” more (by clapping his chubby little hands) and bottle and saying “bah-bah” when anyone goes bye-bye or he thinks he might be getting to go bye-bye. I think he’s starting to use this for bottle as well!

He loves being outside, eating dirt, playing “peeks”, dropping things down the AC vents, pushing toys along like cars, taking baths, getting stuck, growling and making lots of noise.  What a boy!

4 Responses to “Ten Months Old”

  1. Weslie says:

    I thought he looked like James in that second picture the most. Isn’t there a baby picture of James where he’s doing that same face?

  2. Aubri says:

    Yes, I think I know that picture! Mama would know but it appears she’s too good for my blog now that she’s gallivanting around Alabama, drinking sweet tea and eating fresh peas.

  3. Sylvia says:

    well, it’s Fafi’s computer, but Grandmere is commenting here:
    I love these pictures! And he has always reminded us of “little Jimmy” aka James, and now “Uncle Jimmy!” I think James has those photos in his album… and yes, the sweet tea and fresh peas are wonderful, along with the peaches, watermelons, etc., etc.!

  4. Aubri says:

    Don’t rub it in Mama!