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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

30 Weeks

July 9th, 2011 by Aubri

30 weeks 6 days along. Now come trips to the doctor every two weeks. This point always makes it feel like “we’re getting close!”. And I suppose we are. Everything is still going well with baby. She moves a lot all day and Phil is finally getting to feel her too. It seems all our babies get shy when Daddy gets close but sometimes he is able to sneak a thump or a kick.

I’m feeling pretty good but my energy is running very short these days. This week I seemed to go through an energy spurt, a little “nesting” phase. But my accomplishments were kept to those daily chores that without energy just keep stacking up. So nothing exciting, well, it was exciting to feel “normal” for a few days but I’m back on the couch this afternoon with back pains and no energy…and piles of laundry to fold.

When I get some free time I’m beginning to go through clothes the girls wore, sort it, start washing and getting ready for baby girl. I figure I should get to some of this now instead of waiting, plus it’s gonna take me a while to figure out how to get clothing etc. for 4 babies in one closet and set of drawers! There’s much to be done, but isn’t there always!

One Response to “30 Weeks”

  1. Emommy says:

    I’m so behind on your news, Aubri, but congrats on another girl! What a blessing! We’ll be praying for you especially in your last ten weeks (enough energy, help folding laundry… :)) — hugs!