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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

Our Holy Week

April 2nd, 2016 by Aubri


Let’s see where did I leave off? With Palm Sunday? It’s been a while I guess. Recap time.

Hmmm. Not much in the way of observing Holy Week this year. We attended the final Lenten service on Wednesday then hunkered down at home while Phil preached or chanted the remaining 7 services at church that week.

Maundy Thursday is a blur.

On Good Friday the girls wore little homemade crosses to school and each gave one to a friend to wear. And I managed to fulfill Lily’s request of: “We simply must have hot cross buns on Good Friday Mama!”


Weellll, the first batch was a botch. I used my bread machine for the dough which I’ve done in the past and had success. This time. No. I told the girls that sometimes the machine doesn’t work right. Phil raised his eyebrow and added some smarty comment.

I felt supremely vindicated when a week later Mercy lifted the yeast hatch and there to my satisfaction and groaning was the yeast that NEVER dropped into the batter! So like I said, sometimes it’s the machine’s fault.

Our Hot Cross Buns were not ready for breakfast on Good Friday, but after a second batch made from scratch and with much love later that day, I managed to create true and edible buns for all of us to enjoy after school.



That evening I sent the big girls with Phil to the Good Friday service. Lily remarked afterward: “That was a very interesting service Mama.”

Holy Saturday Lily and I ran to the grocery store for some last minutes.


We came across this guy who was walking around.

*Note: I still can’t believe that I can just run to the grocery store!


After lunch I put Mercy to bed and we colored our Easter eggs. I was sad not to have our other two here with us this year but they were busy having fun at egg hunts and coloring their own eggs with Grandma in Texas!




It’s so hard to wait for that special colored egg.


Then the Mercy woke up before we were done and well….coloring eggs went from a quiet leisurely event to near train wreck pretty quickly.


“Hey I got a idea! Let’s tear up all the newspaper and drop our popcorns into the dye instead! You using your spoon? I gotta get a drink of this red stuff!”


Le sigh. We pretended to be Greek and did all red eggs this year. I cheated and just used food coloring instead of onion skins and a super soak. That takes forever. But I think they turned out nice enough.


I even got fancy with mine.


Here’s the “meanwhile in Texas” pictures from Grandma. I miss my babies!!!



2 Responses to “Our Holy Week”

  1. Kristi says:

    Ah, yes, the dye-ing of the eggs and the dying of the parent whilst the process unfolds.

  2. Carrie H says:

    Glad the second batch turned out, they look delicious.

    How is it, being able to run to the store?

    Cute egg dying pictures, nice to see Grandma sent some to you too!