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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

Joyous Easter!

April 2nd, 2016 by Aubri


We celebrated Christ’s Resurrection with joy and a sense of ease this year! No sunrise service but a wonderful breakfast feast between our morning services. Phil even got to join us for breakfast this year and didn’t have to zip off to another church service. He also didn’t preach this morning so that made a huge difference in how rested he felt for the day. I was thankful.




During breakfast all the church children hunted Easter Eggs in the freezing wind. It took all of 10 minutes and it was candy from then on!

Yes friend Katy. There was candy coating colors on the “conniption white” dress of ONE baby in particular. I’ll give you a hint as to whom that dress belonged, she’s 2 and has a lot of hair. Thankfully I own a lot of Oxyclean.


With a packed church we sat in the nosebleeds. I was sad that Gerhardt and Esther weren’t with us this Easter and because they weren’t I didn’t take the time to get a portrait of all the babies in their beautiful Easter whites. I decided I would wait until they return then we’ll recreate Easter and get photos at the parsonage. We didn’t even get a family photo. I’ll add that to the list.


This was the best I managed to get this day. But pretty good still.


I don’t know where Mercy was. I spent most of the first half of the service tracking her and Ephraim down. Then most of the sermon in the bathroom trying to keep Martha from moving an inch on the bathroom floor while I placed Mercy on the toilette….Ephraim may or may not have used that time to escape to the play room.


Then it was home for another feast. I made myself a Mandarin Orange cake this year. It just sounded good. And it was, even though I messed up the frosting by buying a wrong ingredient. The preg brain strikes again.






The candy was a bit over the top this year. I like lots’a candy for Easter but I’m not used to a church egg hunt where the kids made out like bandits. They had some really good stuff in those eggs! Can you say Halloween and Christmas all over again? Yes. We have much candy now.


This baby diggin’ her Deviled Egg!



 A blessed and joyous Eastertide to you all!


5 Responses to “Joyous Easter!”

  1. Aunt Leah says:

    Fun pictures! Love those beautiful white dresses! This last picture of Martha resembles Steven Earl’s children to me. So glad y’all enjoyed a relaxing Resurrection Day.

  2. Kristi says:

    The parish hall looks so festive for Easter!

    I love the picture where Clara is hunched over and looks less-than-thrilled while Lily has her legs folded like a little lady.

  3. grandmere says:

    So glad to see these wonderful pictures of a fun festive Easter Sunday! The girls and Ephraim are so pretty/handsome in their Easter attire! 🙂
    They are all getting so big; I miss seeing those two in Texas too!

  4. Happy Easter!

    It looks like you had a super fun day – can we come have dinner at your house? (I won’t tell you what I fed everyone!) Candy? Yes, please!

    I can’t believe how grown up your big girls are looking. Wowza. I think we’re going to have to start doing white dresses for Easter too….

    Thanks for sharing,

  5. Carrie H says:

    So nice to hear you actually got to spend some time with Phil 🙂