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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

The Things They Say

December 2nd, 2013 by Aubri



A couple times now Clara has stated, “Mercy looks like Abraham.” I guess she kind of does right?

She’s taken to calling Mercy “Merciful” and thinks we should have named her that instead. She’s already coming up with names for our next baby…no, that’s not an announcement.



She’s also been saying “I sound like I want a Nutty Buddy.” (Bar)

So being the great Mama I am, I got right on that.


But my favorite Clara quote for the week was this one. Clara is the gate keeper. No one else can get our baby gate above the stairs open, so they beg and wait on her to do it. Before she opened it today she told Gerhardt and Esther that,

“First, if you want to come in you have to look at the owie under my arm.”

She showed them the scratch in her armpit. They looked and the gate was opened. Such a high price for freedom.




One Response to “The Things They Say”

  1. Kristi says:

    Such a good big sister AND she wields the power to open and close the gate.