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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

Daybook: May

May 28th, 2013 by Aubri


Living Seasonally

Spring has come, Spring has gone several times this month. For a few days we’re out in the sun, sweating through 105 degrees, then we’re digging the winter coats out from the basement….again.

And really I’m okay with it. Most people are itching to pull out their swimsuits and grills. I’m happy to enjoy these cool days while they last.

Giving Thanks

1. Cool days
2. Rain
3. Open windows
4. Fresh pineapple
5. Folded laundry
6. The gift of a quiet morning

Thinking Deeply

“When the laundry is for the dozen arms of children or the dozen legs, it’s true, I think I’m due some appreciation. So comes a storm of trouble and lightning strikes joy. But when Christ is at the center, when dishes, laundry, work, is my song of thanks to Him, joy rains.” Ann Voskamp

“If we pray the work…if we do it to Jesus, if we do it for Jesus, if we do it with Jesus…that’s what makes us content.” Mother Teresa

Turning Pages

My summer reading list is large and “ambitious”. I laughed to read this post, my dilemma exactly. I am however aiming to read a few books that have been sitting on my Amazon “Wish List” for 100 years. I’ll post more about this soon.

I have started reading chapter books to everyone. We’re half way through Wind In the Willows. Up next the Little House series.

Establishing Rhythm

My summer “Daily Schedule” is still in the works.  The big girls are getting so good at entertaining themselves that I’ve been happy to let them disappear for hours. I’m waiting for the hub-bub of 2 church VBS programs and another vacation to die down before I really set our schedule.

For now I am using the morning for Reading to the babies and an occasional Bible and School lesson.

Cultivating Simplicity

As always we’re on a declutter and purge cycle at our house. Less is more!

Here are a few ideas I’m putting to work:

Toy Rotation
The Rule of Three
Kids’ Socks
Filing Laundry


Creating Beauty

I picked up my guitar again recently. Playing used to make me happy. I’m hoping to get this old guitar restrung and back into shape so I can brush up on this forgotten pastime.

Nurturing Senses

I’m trying to get the babies into the kitchen with me more, well, without me going bonkers. They’re eager to help but many times their kind of help is more of a nuisance to me so I’m always hesitant. But on occasion, I’ve managed to find the time and patience to let them work with me.

It’s good for them and a delight for me…occasionally.

Nurturing Hearts

This month we were able to help with a giving project. A member of our youth group is going to Haiti and asked for money for rice to give children there. Our babies were happy to shake out their piggy banks! I pray they’ll always be this eager to give.

Nurturing Bodies

I’m looking forward to the fresh veggies and greens from the garden. Also in an attempt to have more healthy choices around here I’ve started making granola. I LOVE it! I told the kiddos it’s “Fairy Food”, thinking that would get them to eat it and actually Esther and Clara will, no one else though.

How can you resist “Fairy Food”?

I’m also trying to get back to a regular exercise routine. This week I’ve walked 3 miles! I’m hoping to get out for 25-30 minutes a few times a week.

Tending the Earth

Phil put our garden in last week. We hope to have onions, spinach, mixed greens, cilantro, peppers, tomatoes, watermelon and basil.

Capturing Time

Look! Teeth!

(This was taken a few weeks ago, these bad boys are all in now!)

4 Responses to “Daybook: May”

  1. Emily Cook says:

    This is great!

    We are doing Little House read aloud right now and it is wonderful! Here’s hoping we don’t have to save ALL of our goodreads wishes for retirement years! (wait, no, those are grandbaby years! argh!)

  2. Love the pictures – especially going from swimsuits to hats! Too funny!

    If it’s not too late can I recommend adding a pumpkin to the garden? We scratch our children’s names in the rind when they’re small and then they grow with the pumpkin – very fun for the children. And they don’t take much work except watering – they do grow everywhere though!

    Enjoy those cool days,

  3. grandmere says:

    I love all these thoughts and pictures! It’s so funny to see swimsuits then coats and hats with green grass in the background! I am glad that you are taking up the guitar again; that will keep music alive for your little ones, and make you happy too!
    You know I am all about encouraging music! 🙂

  4. Aubri says:

    Emily, I’m clinging to the .8 seconds a day that I attempt to read with that very hope! And the hope that grandbabies like Chaim Potok, Charlotte Bronte and Wendell Berry. 🙂

    Lea, we’ve thought about pumpkins, I’d love for the babies to watch those grow and have them in the Fall but we know they require a lot of room and right now we plan on getting some watermelon in…those take up lots of room too! I’d also like a Strawberry patch…we need a farm.

    Grandmere, this weather has been nuts! We’ll be in the 60s this weekend…June!