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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

What It’s Like

June 22nd, 2013 by Aubri

Pregnancy heartburn. Don’t stand too close.

7 Responses to “What It’s Like”

  1. Carrie says:

    You poor thing! Is there anything that helps you?

  2. LOL!!! (for the picture, of course!)

    Oh dear – hopefully it will abate soon. We’ll send some prayers your way…..


  3. Aubri says:

    Carrie, I really wish there was something that worked. Most of the time a bucket of Tums relieves for a while, but as soon as I eat anything else….it’s back! I suppose I could stop eating or drinking, that would work I’m sure. 🙂

    Thanks for prayers Lea! It’s crazy how as soon as baby is out HB disappears!!

  4. Katy says:

    I’m getting braxton-hicks at 8 weeks (or perhaps it’s just old-fashioned constipation). Water will hopefully cure either. By 7 months I’m inhaling Tums (why are they so expensive?! It’s just chalk….)

  5. Aubri says:

    Ugg Katy, the Hicks come earlier and earlier the more pregnancies I have! As for the wonderful constipation…coffee, that’s my cure. :\ But also the cause of the aforementioned Heartburn. I can’t win!

  6. Brianne says:

    My pregnancy heartburn is always a ton better after seeing the chiropractor and getting adjusted for a diaphragmatic hernia. You can have them and not know, except for heartburn, especially when you’re pregnant and your uterus starts pushing on your diaphragm, then the symptoms rear their ugly head (heartburn!)

  7. Aubri says:

    Interesting Brianne! Might check that out if I were deathly afraid of Chiros… 🙁