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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

Chores At The Parsonage

September 27th, 2012 by Aubri

If you’ve spent any amount of time in my home you know the amount of constant work there is to be done. I’m sure it’s that way in your home too!

My kitchen looks this way 3 times a day and if I don’t clean it 3 times a day, it looks 3 times this bad!

If you’ve lived this you’d also know why I’ve come to resent the term “working mother” meaning only a mother who has a “9 to 5 job” outside the home. I had a “9 to 5” and I can tell you I NEVER worked as much at my “9 to 5” as I have in my “24/7”!

And I NEVER walked around there with hair like this either!

I didn’t even know it looked that bad until I was washing my hands after a poopy diaper and saw myself in the mirror…at 3 in the afternoon.

I mean really. Sorry husband.

I’m not whining…this time, I am getting to my point, don’t worry.

So, last week I decided it was HIGH TIME to get these little people I work live with working more around here.

Daily chores have been put into effect and I’m loving the results!

Staying on top of all the “basics” is enough work for me right now so all those little “others” just don’t get done regularly; the dusting, the window washing, the vacuuming (unless desperately necessary), wiping kitchen surfaces, emptying paper recycling basket. Until NOW!

Each day of the week the babies have one different job and all week they have a specific job they help me with each day.

Everyday Gerhardt empties the silverware from the dishwasher…hopefully it’s clean when he does this. It looks like that when he’s done, but I don’t even care. It’s 3 feet higher off the ground and in 8 seconds I can have it all in place!

And everyday Lily helps me with folding laundry. She sorts the towels, etc and diapers according to size and type. That was all I expected of her, but she surprised me today when she folded them as well. Folded them well enough for me to actually put away as they were!

Once they’re chore is completed they get a sticker for they’re chore chart.

It’s amazing how much the little things they do have helped. They do need some guidance and a little prodding, but for the most part they’re working! And since we’re all “doing chores” at one time, I’m freed up to get a bigger Mama chore done.

6 Responses to “Chores At The Parsonage”

  1. jenny says:

    Yeah! Who says babies are too little to help out around the house? Some nice things you are doing here, both for the kids and for yourself.

    LOVE what you’ve done with your hair!

  2. Kristi says:

    Good job, Mama! You’re working hard to train your little ones to be helpful, self-sufficient, clean, and thoughtful. That is truly a noble task.

    I love the picture of Gerhardt washing the dishwasher door. He looks so diligent and detailed.

    What a blessed vocation you are embracing, dear friend!

  3. Kristi says:

    Inspired by your hairstyle, perhaps I should think about growing my hair out, too???

  4. sylvia odom says:

    You are truly an amazing woman, mother and wife!! Maybe you could get the girls to give you some hair tips! I bet Gerhardt might even like to give you a new look. I love little hands playing in my hair, although I quickly want to go to sleep, so be careful. I vote you Mama of the century!!

  5. grandmere says:

    hahahahaha! I love this; looks like the “little janitor” is truly in his element! How great to have Lily folding diapers! Next you can show her how to put them away, and then all you’ll have to do is keep them washed…! 🙂

  6. Leah Washburn says:

    You make me smile! I’m so proud of you!!!You’re doing a great job – keep up the good work, and I hope you get some rest along the way too.