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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

At The Lake

August 18th, 2012 by Aubri

After a weekend at the Fair we had to keep enjoying our beautiful and cool weather so we all headed to the lake for one more family fishing trip before school started. Clara has never attempted to get in the boat but she did this time and then caught her first fish! Phil was so proud.

Phil did some fishing from the jetty.

And caught this big guy, just an inch or two too small to keep.

Of course I wanted one, just one good picture of my babies together. I told them to stand next to each other and look at me. Mission Impossible.

I mean really, how hard could it be?! I gave up.

The girls got on a See Saw for the first time and eventually figured out how to get going all by themselves without me having to lift Clara off the ground. They had a blast.

Until Clara decided to get off and Lily came crashing down. I remember those times when some playground meany would do that. Not cool friend, not cool.

My swinging babies.

No that’s actually not dirt on his mouth but brownie bits. I think he may have finally grown out of the dirt eating phase. And doesn’t he look like such a big boy?!

After all the fun, it was finally time to go home and MAMA WAS READY!

3 Responses to “At The Lake”

  1. grandmere says:

    what fun pictures! And Yay for Clara! I bet she’s “hooked” now! 🙂

  2. jenny says:

    Oh, playground picutres are the best! Such wide open smiles and laughter….

  3. Leah Washburn says:

    Fun times! Reminds me of when we were little and we’d go to Byrd School on the weekends. They also had a Merry-Go-Round – that was always my favorite.