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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

Daybook: July Part I

July 14th, 2012 by Aubri

Living Seasonally

The hot summer lingers and the days seem like molasses passing by me, slow and difficult. I only have so much of myself to give each day, and it’s never enough. I’m eager for the school year to begin. The summer has given us; hours outside on the porch, the babies splashing in the pool, eating popsicles and riding their bikes. The back door is always swinging open and I’m constantly saying, “Close the door!” The summer also brings many birthdays to prepare for; Clara, Lily, Me, Gerhardt and other family.

Giving Thanks

1. Breezes in the shade

2. Iced tea

3. Cold water

4. Air conditioning

5. Nap time

6. Bed time

7. PRESCHOOL (come quickly!)

Thinking Deeply

The Lord turned to him and said, “Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you?” “Pardon me, my lord,” Gideon replied, “but how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family. ”The Lord answered, “I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites, leaving none alive.” Judges  6:14-16

I get out of bed everyday to face my great weakness. I can say I only make it through by the Lord answering, “I will be with you.” I’m not striking down any Midianites, but it sure feels that way.

Turning Pages

Summertime makes me want to get my hands on a good book, well, anytime of year does that. I suppose it’s from those school days when you were given a “Summer Reading” list at the end of the year. I smile now at Barnes and Noble when I walk past the “Summer Reading” table and wish I was reading some of the recommended books again for the first time.

Summer’s a good time to just get a stack of “light reading”. Those kinds of books you take to the pool and either loose yourself in or just skim as you float in the sun and the water. Since my days of floating in the water are long gone for now, I’ll settle for one good book to open for a minute on the porch or at the end of the day while my heavy eyes beg to close. So right now I’m reading Game of Thrones. It’s got all the greatness my inner dork loves and definitely keeps me turning the pages, sometimes way past my bedtime.

I will soon be reading Emily Cook’s Weak and Loved: A Mother Daughter Love Story as soon as I can get it. Even though I haven’t read it yet, I do recommend it!

What are you reading this summer?

Establishing Rhythm

Our daily rhythm is currently “one day at a time, one hour at a time, lets just get through it!”. After VBS, vacation and vacation recovery things got off, but this week I finally got back to the schedule I had created at the beginning of the summer and it has helped. I’m not sure what it is but everyone seems so much more testy and wild lately. Constantly butting heads, pushing boundaries and just creating as much noise and mayhem as possible. No doubt they’re getting all that from me….

Nurturing Hands

Several things we’ve been working on this summer have been going pretty well. Gerhardt started his potty training, kind of on his own. He really was interested in going to the potty, so we started letting him and he’s done an amazing job! I had VERY low expectations with a boy and starting this wasn’t anywhere on my radar for some time to come, but he’s been our best yet. He is having accidents, but mostly when he’s where there isn’t a potty to run to or when he’s wearing underpants…yes, naked is easiest at this point.

The girls are learning or being forced to learn how to dress and undress themselves. Getting shirts off has been a challenge for them I think mostly because they just don’t want to do it, but they’re getting it.

Leaving their room at 7 am is hit or miss. I put a digital clock in their room and Lily knows what “7:00” is so I told her they can’t come out until the clock says “7”.

And Lily’s overnight potty training is not going so well. She’s wet every morning. I need to figure out some different approaches here.

Tending The Earth

Our garden suffers from the heat and lack of rain but we have already enjoyed its lettuce and spinach. The onions are getting along well, everything else is just wait and see.

My Daybook is inspired by Katherine at her blog Evlogia, though it seems to be gone.  I’ll miss her.


3 Responses to “Daybook: July Part I”

  1. jenny says:

    Aubri, you write so beautifully. I pray you are given more opportunity to do so. It is inspiring for me as I strive to write, too.

    We seem to be having a similar summer even though our children are of different numbers and ages. I think the heat is draining all of us of our energy and our patience. This too shall pass.

    Game of Thrones! I have heard of this book and have been interested in it. You are enjoying it? I’ll have to look into it. I have Emily’s book, havent’ read it yet, but I know it’ll be a keeper. And one I will share, I’m sure. Right now I’m finishing the Hunger Games series. I’m excited to pick my next book – not sure what it’ll be yet.

    Ok this is getting waaaay too long for a post reply. Crazy…

    Blessing on you and your family, and the winding down of summer. May you ever enjoy your AC!

  2. KimM says:

    WOW, I don’t know how in the world you can get through such a big book! I’m so impressed. If you get all of them fed and an occasional bath, I call that a success. And if I had a nickel for everytime a mother yelled “Close the door” I’d be a millionaire!

    -Kim (Ann’s sister-in-law)
    p.s. Your kids are absolutely beautiful

  3. Aubri says:

    Thank you Jenny. And I am enjoying Game of Thrones! I’m almost half way through and have a hard time putting it down most nights. I also read Hunger Games, loved first book, second two ok and I’ll have to see the movie whenever I get time for that.

    Hello Kim! And thank you too. I guess reading is one thing I can still cling to even in the haze of baby raising, though, don’t look for depth of content in what I read most of the time. If my brain has to turn on for even a second I’m done!