In July the Birthday Fairy visits my family in a major way, my extended family I should say. I loose track of how many of us have July birthdays but the ones I do know are MINE, my two OLDER brothers, my cousin (Uncle Weslie), a good friend and I was of course obligated to birth at least one of my babies during this month, so Lily who will be three on the 28th (!). Monday was my birthday.
It was all like Christmas in July up in here!
And the biggest surprise of the day, fresh flowers picked right out of the yard by Phil and the girls! Yes, they picked in their underpants, the girls, not Phil.
It was a great day. I got a long shower (!), we took all the babies to one of our Monday Funday sitters and went to the city for lunch and a movie (link will reveal the depths of my nerdom of which I am most unapologetic).
The flowers are beautiful!! I think that would have been my favorite.