Lily knows her birthday is in July, she just doesn’t understand that it’s at THE END of July poor thing. Since Clara’s birthday in June she’s been asking if “today is her birthday”. How do you explain to a two year old that she still has to wait three weeks, two weeks, etc?!
It had crossed my mind that I should make her something that she could visually see to tell her how much longer she had to wait like I did for Easter, but I hadn’t gotten around to it. Talking to my brother (the smart one, not the awesome one) on the phone Monday he suggested a chain countdown, like the ones you made in school before Christmas.
Of course! I really like this one here that I was keeping in mind for Christmas and other holidays, but hadn’t I thought of using it for birthdays. Until NOW! I made a quick one with construction paper for Lily to use now, but I think I’ll get some fun fabric soon and make another one to use next time.
Any of you have ways to help littles deal with “how much longer”?