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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

Never A Dull Moment

April 29th, 2015 by Aubri


Oh the places you’ll…sleep!



For about a week Esther slept in a box. I guess the floor was fine with Gerhardt.

And yes, we do kind of live in a dumpster.


So cozy!


This is normal right?

5 Responses to “Never A Dull Moment”

  1. Rebekah says:


  2. Jody S. says:

    Normal, yes. Comfortable? Perhaps not.
    I used to have a hard time finding my oldest daughter when she took her naps because she’d hide under things (empty clothes baskets, beds, rocking chairs, etc.) to go to sleep.

  3. Kristi says:

    The box makes her look so BIG!

  4. jenny says:

    I’d say your children are very well adjusted.

  5. Aubri says:

    Y’all are too kind!

    Jody, my niece used to do that too. My poor SIL had a time finding her one day sending her into a panic. Thankfully, she was balled up and napping safely though oddly under a rocking chair in her room the whole time!