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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

The Fourth Day of Christmas

December 28th, 2014 by Aubri


On the fourth day of Christmas I’m just tired. Tired of sick, tired of fighting crying babies, tired of being cooped up in the house since…..I’ve lost track. I haven’t even been to church since the third week of Advent.





But there have been some good memories made that I should write down so I don’t only remember this as the “Sick Christmas.” We did get some nice snow, so a White Christmas for us after all! It started moving in Friday night when Phil had taken Clara and Lily to town for pizza and a movie.

They did get to eat pizza but decided it was too slick to stay for the movie and had to come back home. As a consolation I did something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, popped popcorn and got on the couch with all the babies for a movie night at home.

Fortunately the movie was showing last night again so they made the trip to town once more and got to see it. They let me know the best thing about the movie was BUTTER POPCORN and haven’t stopped talking about it since.


And yesterday there was sledding or sleigh riding as they call it in these parts. Again thanks to Daddy cuz he’s strong like that and can go faaaast!


We’re enjoying our tradition of opening a few gifts a day throughout the 12 days of Christmas. I like spreading out the chaos a bit. Of course there are the Christmas things I’d planned that we haven’t gotten to yet. That’s fine, there’s still time and there are still more Christmases. Each year we have more babies which makes a lot of life more difficult, even the little things. It’s strange for us to not have a new baby this Christmas, it’s been a while since that’s happened.




There’s not much room for quiet, relaxing or slow in this house, only a lot of wearing thin and running on empty. I have to remind myself that it won’t always be like this, the constant one thing after anotherness of life with so many little ones. In addition to the sick, e’ve come to yet another phase of changes with each of the babies. Some pleasant, some not. I just pray for the patience and love I need to meet the continuing ways children change and to be able to take care of all these people!

6 Responses to “The Fourth Day of Christmas”

  1. Kristi says:

    Prayers for you, my friend. This is the Christmas of “Strep and Croup” for us. I have yet to blog about it.

  2. grandmere says:

    Gerhardt- looking like a real “little boy” instead of a toddler! Love all the pictures, thanks for sharing. Hope y’all are all better soon! And hold off on the snow!!! 🙂

  3. Katy says:

    We’re not sick anymore (finally), but I feel like I could sleep for days.

  4. Rebekah says:

    Oh Aubri, the picture of phil and all the babies…so so precious. Beautiful beautiful pictures. We will look back on these years and be amazed.

  5. Bridget says:

    We had a sick Christmas as well, it was so disappointing and not at all what I pictured. Praying for healing for your sweet family and fantastic memories to be made this new year!!

  6. G'paw Hale says:

    What a family!
