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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

Holding Forth the Word of Life

October 24th, 2014 by Aubri


Since Lily is 6 and has learned how to read I thought it a great time to further introduce her to Luther’s Small Catechism by getting her her very own beginners version. And what better time to gift it to her than on Reformation Sunday? I told her she’ll be getting a special surprise on that day and she’s so excited and yes, she knows it’s a BOOK. No delusions of a Katie Luther Barbie doll there so don’t worry!

Phil has made it a priority to teach the babies from our Catechism at an early age. We are currently working on the Ten Commandments and what they mean.

And their learning it greatly benefits me too. The Christian shouldn’t put the catechism aside after Confirmation. God’s Word and the teachings of our faith need to be something we continually put before us; hear, read, mark, learn and inwardly digest on a regular basis all our life. And to be honest that’s really hard most of the time isn’t it? Another reason this tired, busy, lazy, sinful mama is thankful for a church where I hear (even if it’s just in snippets) what I need to each week! And why I’m glad Phil recites the catechism with our babies so I can learn along with them.

I like what Martin Luther writes:

“I am often aware of temptation, and even today I cannot guard and cross myself against it too carefully. I confess this freely as an example to anyone; for here am I, an old doctor of theology and a preacher, and certainly as competent in Scripture as such smart alecks. At least I ought to be. Yet even I must become a child; and early each day I recite aloud whatever lovely psalms and verses I may choose, just as we teach and train children to do. Besides, I must seal with Scripture and fight with the devil every day. I dare not say in my heart, “The Lord’s Prayer is worn out; you know the Ten Commandments; you can recite the Creed.” I study daily and remain a pupil of the Catechism. I feel too, that this helps me a lot, and I am convinced by experience that God’s Word can never be entirely mastered, but that Psalm 147 speaks truly, “His understanding is beyond measure.”

Kelly at Fearfully and Wonderfully Made has started a series on her blog on learning the Large Catechism. I thought that was a great idea for her to commit to as a big grown up lady and a child of God. Reading through the Large Catechism has been something I’ve wanted to do for a while. Another resource I’d recommend that breaks down readings into daily small amounts is The Lord Will Answer A Daily Prayer Catechism.

The devil, our own flesh, our busy lives, our godless culture are always pulling us away from where God’s Word is taught and preached and tempting us with false doctrine. May God help us to always remain pupils of His Word.





3 Responses to “Holding Forth the Word of Life”

  1. Katy says:

    We always buy a Bible the first Easter ours learn to read, so #3 will get one Easter 2016. (They also get their own hymnal the first year they begin piano lessons).

    Watching children learn is one of the best parts of being a parent.

    We have a pastor-led ladies BoC study at our church, but I haven’t been in probably 3 years.(they meet on Saturday morning, which doesn’t work out for us). So thank you for the link to Kelly’s schedule.

    We are finally in the Creed and it’s meanings in the Small Catechism. I think we were in the 10 commandments for 2 years. I realized just doing the 6 chief parts over and over again in a cycle of 2-3 weeks each—forever—is a better way than making sure they have one part down before moving on to the next. Especially with so many ages. Maybe obvious to some, but it wasn’t to me.

  2. Carrie H says:

    I benefit greatly from the boys (well just Levi currently) learning the catechism during nightly devotions too. Luke will start when he gets a bigger vocabulary than ‘da’ or at least when he can repeat what we say to him. The boys were given a Follow and Do Gift Set when they were baptized. It’s a set of 6 illustrated books making up Luther’s Small Catechism – Confession, The Apostles’ Creed, God’s Ten Commandments, Holy Baptism, The Lord’s Supper, and The Lord’s Prayer. We love them. It’s another great ‘First Catechism’ option.

  3. Aubri says:

    Katy, like what y’all do with Bibles and hymnals! Also your teaching “schedule”. We’ve been in Commandments a while too but really just the first 5. I’d like to move on to the Lord’s prayer soon. Phil has been leading our ladies bible study with BoC too, really wish I could go!

    Carrie, I love those Follow and Do books! Really good for littles since you can teach with the illustrations but also that the wording is true to the catechism! Way to start ’em young! 🙂