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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

Fall Ember Days

September 22nd, 2014 by Aubri


Last week the Fall Embertide rolled around again. I’ve had it on my radar since, well last Fall Embertide. These Ember days come before each season and Fall is the only I ever remember. So per our tradition, I took the home babies on our annual Fall Embertide walk, taking care to notice all the changes occurring in God’s creation. No, I’m not a faster, so I guess I don’t observe these days as they’re “intended.” I think I really just like the mood they create, the expectation, the preparation of a new season.


We took our basket for any treasures we might find.




I loved Essie’s outfit today, she can really rock the boyfriend big brother jeans!


We were having so much fun on our walk until the “great misfortune.”


 Whilest running with a dandelion Essie realized all the achenes had blown away!
She stopped, she dropped it to the ground.


And did this for a while.


Mama: What’s wrong Essie?
Esther: Look at my flower! I’m not happy anymore.


And our walk ended. Poor girl.


But we had a great collection of “Fall” for our table.


And tomorrow, we gladly welcome Mama’s favorite season, Fall!

Happy Fall Y’all!

3 Responses to “Fall Ember Days”

  1. jenny says:

    Oh poor Essie! Breaks my heart.

  2. Aubri says:

    Isn’t she the saddest little thing??!!

  3. grandmere says:

    Mama needs to teach Esther the fun of dandelions!