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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

At The Parsonage – Summer So Far Part II

May 28th, 2014 by Aubri


School’s out for summer! And this means more of several things. More resting kind of, we don’t have to get to and from school, more getting outside, more opportunities for games and crafts AND more noise, more mess, more for Mama to manage. But we are managing so far.




We had a lot of fun this weekend with our sweet friends Vicar Dan and Erika (not a vicar). I’m sure the babies thought they came just to see them and really that’s probably true!





We just need to go ahead and get Gerhardt a Speedo yes?


I’m hoping to be a bit more laid back this Summer, try to enjoy the long days, not get whiney about the extra mess our activities will create, read more, play more, relax.

Trying to simplify life some, I’ve put away almost all our toys. I’ve left out art stuff, puzzles, blocks and books and I get a few things out when the babies start getting too restless, but with all the kids home all day, everyday, we have enough mess. And for me Mess=Stress. Wish I weren’t that way.  I just don’t want to have “toy mess” on my stress list too, so I’m experimenting. We’ll see how it goes.

How is your Summer different from the rest of the year?




5 Responses to “At The Parsonage – Summer So Far Part II”

  1. Katy says:

    I see the kids less in the summer, since we home school (we end in April and return sometime in July when it gets too hot to be outside all the time). Its project time and gardening time for me. My husband likes it when they’re only inside for meals. There’s a regular neighborhood gang forming of elementary kids. My floors are filthy all the time in the summer. Sometimes I wish we lived in a dugout so I could just put down more sand or straw or whatever it was the Ingalls had.

  2. Aubri says:

    Oh the floors! Yes. I’m thinking about leaving a wet mop by the back door to schlop around at the end of everyday. Gross, I often think of what a dirt floor would have been like, then I look down…

    Projects? Do tell! 🙂

  3. Rebekah says:

    The days are definitely longer. I loved that as a kid. Not that I don’t love it now, but it’s just not the same. It doesn’t energize me like it did when I was little. I am wanting to be more relaxed this summer too, just accept them mess, etc. So far I’d say it’s been going pretty well. Today is one of those “off” days for me, so this comment probably sounds really depressing. lol. there, i just laughed. 🙂

  4. Katy says:

    Unfortunately, no fun projects, yet. Have to do the boring (or gross) projects first (hello, basement, yet again), then get to the fun stuff. I did plant sunflowers all along our south side of our house…

    I had a great beginning of the week, then not so great yesterday. So on my to-do list I included “hug and kiss each kid 3 times before dinner,” and something wifely for my husband, and brush the dog. That made the list more fun. ( I even texted a pic of the list to my husband to boost morale at work…or maybe make his day longer, haha)

    I’m going to be an aunt for the first time sometime in the next week! Our Little Guy is smiley roly-poly fun, but not a newborn anymore.

  5. Katy says:

    Also, how do you keep the sprinkler play from becoming a huge mud slinging fest? Any water in our backyard becomes ingredient #1 for making mud (ingredient #3 comes from the compost pile)