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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

Keeping It Real

December 14th, 2013 by Aubri


 Oh, my first baby holding my latest baby. Makes my heart melt a little.

I have a severe martyr complex so I continue to attempt “The Family Photo”. I tend to favor doing this in public places, my favorite time and place is in our church after Sunday morning service.

And why not? So what if all the babies have just sat “quietly” for an hour and are desperate for food and drink because they’re wasting away! Mama is gonna make them sit a little longer and look like the SWEET HAPPY ANGELS I know they are!

Here’s how it went this time.













So let me know if you want one of these beauties in an 8×10 or maybe poster size. I’ll get right on it.

5 Responses to “Keeping It Real”

  1. Heidi says:

    Yes! I want that last family photo made into an inspirational poster about perseverance. Because, nothing says that you’ve given up a little, like using your younger brother’s head as an armrest 🙂

  2. Beverly Runkle says:

    I feel your pain. When we try and get a family photo for Caleb and Carrie we now try and snatch one prior to service. However, having the Pastor required for a family photo could be a little more difficult. Good luck.

  3. grandmere says:

    I love the one where Gerhardt finally looks at the camera but daddy is pre-occupied! fun photos – they make me laugh!

  4. I think I’d pick the last one too – that arm on top of the head is hysterical!

    Have you tried just one afternoon (or morning) when everyone is rested and not so antsy? I would suggest before Worship but if your before Worship is as crazy as ours, that might not work! (Some days I think we’re fortunate to all make it to Worship – forget about photos!)

    Keep trying and think of the blackmail possibilities when they are teenagers…. 🙂

  5. Aubri says:

    Yes, I know there are so many better times of the day or week we could probably get a more decent photo (my hopes aren’t high) but that would mean an extra “outing”, or just getting everyone to put some clothes on. Thinking about it wears me out! 🙂