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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

Archive for the ‘Daybook’ Category

Daybook: June

Sunday, July 3rd, 2016


Living Seasonally

Since it’s  already July I guess I should go ahead and post this!





Daybook: Late Winter

Sunday, March 6th, 2016


Living Seasonally:

We’re nearing the end of many of the seasons God has given us recently. We’re over half way through Lent, our days at the rental are coming to an end, Winter is waning and I’m in the final 3 months of pregnancy. Being this close to all these finish lines creates a restlessness in me. There but not just yet. Waiting a bit longer.

I have such little energy of body or mind these days. The calendar marks seasons, festivals, commemorations, holidays and I seem to merely be able to acknowledge them with a nod and a few words but little else. I’m just so tired.


Daybook: August and September

Friday, September 25th, 2015


Living Seasonally 

I often have to remind myself that there are certain seasons of life as well as the year. I’m in a season of life that is wonderful as well as limiting. Sometimes those limits are welcomed, when I’m weary or in need of letting life be less busy. But other times they are hard to swallow, when there are things I’d like to take part in and enjoy but just can’t right now. So, I’m learning to live seasonally according to life during this time.

It’s also a new season in the lives of these babies I have. They’re all reaching a new phase, as they all always do, and some are challenging to me in new ways. 6 and 7 year old girls who seem to be galloping away in every direction, a 5 year old boy with more energy and ingenuity than I know what to do with. A jolly 4 year old growing fast under my nose. An almost 3 year old just trying to keep up with all the others. Then of course there’s Mercy! And sweet baby Martha who laughs at it all but already throws tantrums cuz I leave her on her tummy too long or she just can’t get that shiney thing over there.


But we’re also entering my very favoritest season of the year, Autumn. The time of year I seem to be able to smile more and breath deeper.


Daybook: Summer So Far

Monday, June 22nd, 2015



Living Seasonally

Our ‘summer’ is finally beginning to feel like summer. Cooler this spring and now we’ve started hitting the 80s and 90s. So we’ll break out the popsicles and “swimming pool.”

