First of all have any of you noticed that I’m turning into a Posting Machine! I think I’m finally coming out of the Pregnancy and Post-partum malaise that I spend the majority of my life in. I’m working out, watching what I eat and most days getting things done!
But enough of that, on with the post that got WAY too long so now it’s a 2 parter.
This Fall I read Family Vocation: God’s Calling in Marriage, Parenting and Childhood by Gene Edward Veith Jr. I recommend it. He made some very comforting points in his chapter on The Office of Motherhood. I wanted to share a few.
I also wanted to talk a bit of what I’m learning in my office of mother. I don’t consider myself a fount of wisdom, I’m still very much in survival mode of parenting (maybe that never changes….), in the trenches of life with littles and just trying to figure it all out. But for what it’s worth I thought I’d discuss a few things I’m being taught in this vocation.
This post may be more helpful for the overwhelmed Mama…. (more…)