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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

Archive for the ‘Church’ Category

My Reformation Story – Part I

Tuesday, October 28th, 2014


Since it’s October and all, I thought this a good time to sit down and write a bit on being Lutheran. Well, not on being Lutheran but on how I became one and why. I just want to tell my story, my journey. I feel strange doing this, but I am writing it down for my own memory and for my children who might be curious someday. It’s hard to write something like this and it’s hard to keep it short! I’ve broken it into 3 parts, just 3 don’t worry.

I write this not to “bash” any other Christian denominations. Also you need to know I don’t believe that Christians in other denominations are not saved. A lot of what we believe is very different but God’s Grace is still manifest despite this. His Word is powerful and life giving. Where His Gospel is preached and believed in Faith there is Salvation.

First some history:

I was raised as a Baptist. But as I learned more about other Baptist churches I realized my church was of a different sort of Baptist. My pastor was a Baptist who dabbled in Calvinism. I think because of that we had a Calvinism with altar calls, Grace mixed with decisions for Jesus. I’ve recently learned that he was early to a party that is just starting to get bigger in the Baptist church.

A wave called “New Calvinism” is beginning. You can learn more about that HERE. As I listened to that interview I realized that it was pretty much my own story out of the Baptist church.


Life for A Pastor’s Child

Saturday, October 25th, 2014


Since my friend Kristi was so kind to share her thoughts on being a pastor’s wife, I groveled at her feet again for thoughts on being a pastor’s child. She kindly obliged me.

She writes:

I’ve always known the life of a church worker’s family. My parents were both Lutheran school teachers. Once I was born, my mom stayed home to take care of me, and eventually my brothers as well. My dad taught for a number of years in Lutheran schools and then attended the seminary to be a Lutheran pastor. I don’t regret that my parents were teachers or that my dad is a pastor. I have been blessed tremendously by their vocations.

Some people will tell you that the life of a pastor’s family (as well as a Lutheran teacher’s family) is like living in a fishbowl. I suppose, to some degree, that is correct. Because the pastor is the “public face” of the family, people really do keep their eyes on him. That’s how it should be: eyes on him. Even better would be if their ears would be on him, for he brings God’s good news to them in Word and Sacrament.

I can recall having family prayer-time every evening before going to bed. Dad would read the Bible story and then catechize me and my brothers further on the story. We would say prayers and then go off to bed. Dad was a busy pastor. He served two churches and attended countless meetings. He would be gone in the evenings, but he would always make sure he ate dinner with us before heading out the door for a long evening. Dad was Dad; he wasn’t “the pastor” all the time in our family. I never saw him that way. He was my dad, and he was also my pastor. He confirmed me. I had to know all of the answers to all of the questions because I was the only one in my class. Talk about pressure. It was parental pressure, not pastoral pressure.

We kids ate lots of cake. Our family was always invited to the baptism dinners. We attended confirmation dinners. We cleaned up on graduation cakes as well. After funerals, the ladies would send home extra sandwiches and pans of bars for our family. I liked that; I think my mom did, too.


What One Pastor’s Wife Wishes You Knew

Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014


In continuing with my October theme of Pastor Appreciation Month and the honorable Martin Luther, I’m happy to share some more thoughts on being a pastor’s wife from my dear friend and fellow pastor’s wife Kristi.


Life for a Pastor’s Family

Tuesday, October 21st, 2014


I can’t speak for other Pastor’s families or what family life might be like in other denominations for a pastor’s family. I can only share our life, what we have encountered in the short 7 years as a pastor’s family in a rural town.

No one goes into this life really knowing what to expect. You can hear stories, you can be given advice, but like with other things, marriage or parenthood, you just have to start living it to learn it.

One day at a time, one month at a time, each one bringing it’s own changes, it’s own routines, it’s own troubles. And I’m sure there are families in other walks whose Daddies have been given other callings that could say some of the same things as I will. A Daddy’s work can make life lonely for many families, I know, I was raised with a Military Daddy!

I laughed when after explaining to a friend of mine that this new baby of ours isn’t due until April 15th, which means we clear Advent, Christmas, Lent AND Easter and how that is a little blessing, she said, “Only a pastor’s wife would have thought of that!

She’s right, our family revolves around a slightly different calendar than a lot of families. Pastor’s wives know when our husbands will be at their busiest, the times of the year when they will be pulled and stretched thin, more tired. Typically the times of the year when other families are relaxing a bit more our family is just “gearing up!”
