“To have the righteousness of faith, and to teach that to the children God gives to us, that, my friends, is the greatest joy in life, and the most fervent prayer of every Christian parent, whether with one child or a dozen, is that God will keep our children trusting in the merits of Jesus until they die in peace.” Rolf Preus And God Blessed Them
It’s no secret around here, I really like ordering our days by the church calendar. But because my life is so full with just keeping everyone fed, clothed and clean I have been simplifying our commemorations and celebrations.
I still enjoy doing little crafts, making food appropriate to the day a couple years ago I was able to do much more, but I’m finding that these days sometimes all I can work in is telling my children that “Today is fill in the blank, this is why we remember this saint or why we celebrate this event, talk amongst yourselves.”
And that’s fine. Because we can have the most beautiful feasts but if we fail to teach our children, then we have truly failed.