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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

>At The Parsonage

January 8th, 2010 by Aubri


I woke up this morning and felt unusually cold. Phil said that our heater wasn’t working. When it’s 11 degrees BELOW zero outside, you want a working heater! I bundled the girls up and feared spending the day under blankets, but since this happened last winter Phil figured he’d just have to get up on our roof and de-ice the steam valve thingy up there that gets clogged with ice and snow. So that’s what he did and thankfully it worked, the heat started running again. Phil’s our hero!

One Response to “>At The Parsonage”

  1. sissylieu says:

    >uhmmm…let's make sure that vent thingy doesn't clog up in the next couple of weeks!