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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

Here We Grow Again!

April 5th, 2011 by Aubri

The Lord has given us another baby! I’m now at 17 weeks and finally in my second trimester, and I’m pretty sure everyone already knows except THIS blog. We’ll become a family of SIX (!) in the Fall, baby #4 is scheduled to debut in September. 9/11 is the “due date” but at someone’s suggestion I’m shooting for delivering on 9/10/11. Much better and a much cooler birth date.

Phil and I went to our first pre-natal appointment a few weeks ago and were able to hear our new little one’s heartbeat. That is one of the greatest sounds in the world. And as familiar of a sound as it has become to us now, it never gets old. Especially not that first time you hear it, during those early weeks when I worry and wonder and want to know that all is well.

And all is well except for the usual joys of pregnancy; fatigue, forgetfulness, constant headaches, wanting to eat all the time, none of my clothes fitting (yes, even the maternity ones) oh and fatigue, that’s worth mentioning again.

We’re hoping to have an ultrasound at our next check-up in a few weeks and perhaps find out whether this is another boy or girl. We’ll let you know blog, don’t worry.

2 Responses to “Here We Grow Again!”

  1. Briana says:

    Congratulations! What wonderful news.

    My first two boys are 17 months apart and it was a challenge but they have always been best buds. It is fun to see them growing into young men together. The rest of my children are at least 2 years apart and none of them are as close as the first two.

    Rest up now so you’ll have lots of energy to “nest” later, lol.

  2. krissy says:

    i love you, sister. i will pray for you to have the energy to do what you need to do, the courage to say no to the things you do not need to do, and the wisdom to know the difference. 🙂