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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

At The Parsonage

March 31st, 2011 by Aubri

Here’s a quick look at the last couple weeks at our house. And above, one of the sweetest pictures I’ve ever seen.

Phil was laid up for a couple days because…well…see below.

He finally got a pesky ingrown toenail removed. Gross. He’s doing much better now but still wants everyone to look at his owie. Gross.

Lily has learned a new skill. We’re so proud.

And more proof that Clara is Phil’s daughter. I’ll never understand the onion love these two have. This is probably grosser than the ingrown toenail.

This boy gets stuck in more places…

I’m thinking about making this for him because he’s taken up snorting when he laughs and not just a little snort, but the kind that makes me wonder if he will need a pocket protector in a few years.

And he’s the splashenest baby I’ve ever had. He loves his bath time!

My big helpers.

Sorry Clara, but really you bring it on yourself.

6 Responses to “At The Parsonage”

  1. grandmere says:

    once again Clarie proves that she is really a daddy’s girl!

  2. Aubri says:

    And I suppose that Gerhardt is a Mackin with that SNORT he’s got!

  3. Aubri says:

    At least it looks like it makes him want to throw up. What’s wrong with my baby??!!

  4. krissy says:

    that onesie with suspenders is too cute. you’ve got to make it!

  5. Aubri says:

    Ooo, might be PERFECT for Easter!