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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

At The Parsonage – End of Summer

September 15th, 2017 by Aubri

2017-08-23 17.36.04

2017-08-23 17.35.58

Picture heavy post ahead with some words to conclude this season.  🙂

2017-09-02 14.59.02

2017-09-02 14.53.24

2017-09-02 14.53.20

2017-09-02 12.18.39

2017-09-02 09.38.08

2017-09-02 09.37.42

2017-08-27 14.06.11

2017-08-26 13.02.53

2017-08-26 11.18.54

2017-09-04 16.55.23

2017-09-04 16.55.43

2017-09-04 16.56.31

2017-09-04 18.48.01

2017-09-04 18.48.50

2017-09-04 18.48.28

2017-09-13 15.53.30

2017-09-13 15.20.13

2017-09-13 13.00.52

2017-08-22 19.55.41

2017-08-22 16.29.48

2017-08-20 12.07.23

2017-08-19 15.31.03

2017-07-22 10.40.25

2017-09-07 09.59.26

2017-09-07 09.59.19

2017-09-11 17.30.40

2017-09-11 17.30.37

2017-09-11 17.30.20

I couldn’t remember how long it’s been since we got back from our trip to Texas. I think it’s been a month. It’s been a long busy month. And the busy-ness is not going to stop until after Christmas.

We’re back to school and getting into the groove of our new routines. 4 in school all day, 4 at home with Mama. Lily begins a new adventure of learning to play the violin in addition to continuing her piano lessons. She loves it.

I’m getting Ephraim “ready” for Kindergarten next year. I’m really not worried about teaching him since I’m sure he’ll catch up once he starts but I am focusing on having him practice sitting still, listening and following directions in a class setting. He’s been a challenge. He and Mercy both beg every day for Mama to teach them. So we are having fun doing some short lessons together, having Circle Time and reading books.

I toy with the idea of potty training Martha finally which Phil is way tired of putting off. We’ve had all our babies already potty trained by her age so we’re in new territory here. Martha has just been a different sort of child. She cried, slept or threw up for a year after she turned one so I’ve been hesitant to upset the apple cart of her seeming to become a happier baby at last. But it must be done. Maybe this Fall?

I look back on all the pictures I’ve snapped over the weeks and see how full our life is. Full and good. I’m thankful. And I’ve figured out how to make a pretty good latte with my Aeropress thank you very much.

Fast the Summer days pass. I am eager for the next season of life.


One Response to “At The Parsonage – End of Summer”

  1. grandmere says:

    Thank you for all these photos! I love seeing the “business” of y’alls life up there. That latte looks yummy! 🙂