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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

18 Months Old!

December 19th, 2010 by Aubri

Clara turned 18 months old on the 16th! I have a feeling that the next 6 months will be quite an adventure for her. I think back on all that Lily learned and began doing from this age and I look forward to watching Clara become a “big girl”.

She’s our sunny funny girl always into something, always pushing the boundaries and wanting to do everything Lily does. She’s such a ball of energy, moving all the time! And so kissable, she loves giving kisses.

It’s funny to hear her begin to say words that actually sound like words. I have to make a list of them so in another year and a half I can look back and smile.

Clarie’s First Words:

hi, bye-bye, noh-ss (nose), eye, ice, no (no and snow), mo, moh (milk not to be confused with more!), cheess, joos, bach-bach (chicken), animal sounds (moo, baa, sss, aa-aa (monkey), nigh-nigh and peess. Oh and I can’t forget our favorite, nah-nah, this means I want something and you’d better figure it out fast!

One Response to “18 Months Old!”

  1. grandmere says:

    of course grandmere thinks she is beautiful!!!