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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

The Things They Say

July 24th, 2017 by Aubri


2017-07-11 09.05.17

Lily: (Regarding Esther crying and crying after bedtime.) I was hoping Mama or Daddy would come downstairs and spank Esther.
Esther: Then I would cry even louder if I got spunked!

Esther does have a lot of spunk.

2017-07-14 11.42.07

While sprinkling parmesan cheese on Esther’s pasta I dropped the container and spilled her bowl.
Mama: Aaahh! I’m sorry.
Esther: That’s ok. I still love you.
Mama: Thank you Esther.
Ephraim: Um, Mama. I love you too, but you still didn’t give me cheese.

One Response to “The Things They Say”

  1. Carrie H says:

    Haha! “I love you too, but you still didn’t give me cheese.” oh, classic!