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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

The Things They Say

March 5th, 2016 by Aubri


Esther has really been on a roll lately.

Esther: Mama, can I help you cook? That always puts a smile on my face.
How can you say no to that?

Lily: I was looking forward to supper.
Esther: I was looking backwards to supper.


Esther: Clara is a baby Pamper (Panther). She has a sore froat (throat) so I gave her medicine meat.
Mama: You gotta try this meat, it’s gonna knock your socks off!
Esther: I’m not wearing any socks.
Tries meat.
Esther: Mmm, this meat does knock my feet off Mama!
Gerhardt: Did you know my armpits get super hot? When I scratch them they get cold.
Gerhardt: Mama! Martha was slobberin’ all over Jesus!

2 Responses to “The Things They Say”

  1. Rebekah says:

    That last one! Ha!

  2. Carrie H says:

    Ha ha!