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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

Ten Months Old

September 9th, 2014 by Aubri

IMG_1079Little Mercy turned 10 months old on Friday. During month #9 she started getting 3 more teeth, bringing her new total to 6. She mastered the army crawl and began to sit up on her own. It’s only table food for her and she loves to eat. Last month she got noisier, learned to say Da Da Da on repeat and I think she’s about to take off on a real crawl any day.



IMG_1131It’s always around this age a new photo shooting strategy must be born and I always forget that.  A rambunctiousness kicks in that you must be ready for.



IMG_1127I’m still not ready to pay the pros for pics, I think I’m doing fine on my own, but you’d think I’d have figured out by now that a coughing sick baby might not bring the cheesecake you’d like, also whatever you just grab to distract baby and keep her happy should be photo worthy. But you get real life baby and that’s pretty good.


Ok, we’re done.

8 Responses to “Ten Months Old”

  1. rebekah says:

    Still as beautiful as ever.

  2. Neil Hale says:

    My, you have pretty girls.

  3. Aubri says:

    I’d say all the same things but, you know, Mercy’s paying me to.

  4. Marie says:

    She is just precious! They all are. Just love seeing your blog!

  5. Carrie H says:

    Happy 10 Months!

  6. Really? No way!
    Didn’t you just come home from the hospital?

    Thanks for sharing the photos – I’m loving that hair! And I love that you take their photos yourself. I think a decent camera might be on my to-buy list next…..


  7. Aubri says:

    Hey Lea! It flies! I just have a point and shoot camera and I usually rely on good sunlight for photos, but last week there was little to be had. I just took what I could get. I think about getting a nicer camera, but that makes me nervous, a lot to learn and a lot to loose if it gets broken!