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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13


July 7th, 2014 by Phil

I’m turning this post over to Phil.

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I caught a large shark, which was my goal.  It could be a Sandbar, which is a protected species, but I’m not sure.  It is really hard to tell the different types of sharks apart.    It was close to 40 pounds, about the weight of our oldest children. It is a lot shorter and fatter than the previous bull sharks I have caught. I really did see the top fin first.  It was great to hear the gasps of people watching me fight this fish when they realized it was a shark.  It was around noon and the Surfside Jetty gets a fair amount of tourist traffic walking on it.  So after 25 minutes of fighting it, there was a crowd, including some kind fisherman who helped me land it.


His mouth and teeth and my hand.  The circle hook (lodged perfectly) in corner of the mouth was left there for his health and mine.

 It was released so I can catch it again in a few years.

This is now the 2nd largest shark I’ve landed.  The largest was a (pregnant, I’m told) Bull shark, caught in 2010:



A smaller shark that is quite plenteous in these waters.  It is not a type that gets much bigger.  It was big compared to most of the foot-long sharks I was catching.  Those little guys were quite aggressive.


Blue crabs are often caught in the rocks around the Jetty.  They often pick at bait, but they rarely hold on long enough to make it ashore.  This one did.  And in turn I turned him into bait.


I also caught a Spanish Mackerel about a foot long. A beautiful fish.

It was a great trip and another successful outing at the Jetty. There is nothing like the adventure of catching a new species of fish and possibly hooking a shark bigger than yourself.

2 Responses to “Fishing”

  1. rebekah says:

    Wow! All pastors need some time off here and there to go catch em some sharks.

  2. jenny says:

    I LOVE the fact that you guessed the weight of your shark based on the weight of your children. Congrats on your catch. Quite impressive.