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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

The Things They Say

April 11th, 2014 by Aubri


Clara:”Why didn’t you get married when you got this baby?”
Mama: ?


Mama: “We all have our jobs.”
Clara: “My job is eating. I’m gonna eat all day.”


Lily: “Mama how do you spell minnow?”
Mama: “Minnow?”
Lily: “Yeah in the alphabet, LM Minnow.”
Mama: “Did I just step into a Family Circus cartoon?”


Clara: “Guess what. I buried my dad in the pipes under the ground. That was in Omaha.”
Mama: !


While 30 Day Shredding with me.
Clara…crying: “I wanna turn the DVD off!!”
Mama: Huff Puff.

While doing the plank jacks.
Clara: “are these poison!!???”
Mama: Huff Puff. Yes. Huff Puff.

4 Responses to “The Things They Say”

  1. Rebekah says:

    LOL!!! Thanks for the laugh again, Aubri!

  2. grandmere says:

    I love it! Thanks for the good laugh! 🙂

  3. jenny says:

    Oh indeed the things they say! I recorded a lot of those things on our old desktop. I should dig those out…maybe post some oldies but goodies…

    And you are shredding! Good for you! Seems to be a popular activity these days.

  4. Kristi says:

    Oh my goodness! You’re doing the plank jacks! You’ve got the moves, woman! It is fun to have the munchkins repeat the trainer’s words, though, is it not?

    The quotes are funny! And when ARE you going to marry your current husband by your present marriage anyway?