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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

Archive for the ‘Figuring It Out’ Category

Haste Makes Waste

Tuesday, December 11th, 2012

“Being in a hurry. Getting to the next thing without fully entering the thing in front of me. I cannot think of a single advantage I’ve ever gained from being in a hurry. But a thousand broken and missed things, tens of thousands, lie in the wake of all the rushing…Through all that haste I thought I was making up time. I turns out I was throwing it away.” Mark Buchanan as quoted in One Thousand Gifts

Isn’t is easy to get pulled into the frenzy of December? The constant of activity, shopping, parties, programs, the “enjoying” the season. Life gets that way too and isn’t it true that haste does make waste.

I’d love to be better at “fully entering the thing in front of me”. Enjoying moments of life while I have them.

Like right now, I’d love to finish this post with two hands instead of one. But the other is occupied, filled with a hungry babe who stares up at me with tiny new eyes, so I’ll stop and be filled with this moment.

Daybook: December

Saturday, December 1st, 2012



Living Seasonally:

We’re through Fall and Thanksgiving and we leave behind so much of the fun we had for that season and head into this season of Advent and Christmas. I think of all the things I’d love to do for Christmas “this year”, the baking, the gifting, the activities and just thinking about it makes me tired.

With all these little sugar babies I just don’t have the time or the energy to do it all and honestly, I think that’s the way it should be. I’m learning to be thankful for the times of the day that I just have to sit down with Ephraim to feed him, it can frustrate me to have to leave what I’m in the middle of, but it is a constant “STOP” in my day to force me to think on what is most important for that moment and for all the moments of life, for this season of my life.

As we enter Advent I think on that a lot, the forced “STOP”, the hush that these penitential seasons bring to our busy days as we wait and prepare for Christmas, as we wait for our Christ, as we wait for that eternal and glorious rest to come. The blessed day when we can put down all our busy days, our work, our burdens.


Taming the Beast

Friday, November 16th, 2012


You got kids, you got toys, you got toys you got mess. The mess we had was driving me to fits. I try to stay on the babies to pick up and we were doing okay with this, at least in our living room, but the downstairs and bedrooms were chaos. Pieces everywhere. I’ve been getting much better at taking toys to Goodwill after we’ve played with them enough and this has helped and I attempted to put some away “for later,” but I forget to get the “later” toys out and the “now” toys just kept growing. I needed to come up with something different. Kids and life create enough mess and stuff without the toys adding to it. I had to simplify and really getting rid of ALL the toys did cross my mind, but probably wasn’t the best plan.

Then I found it, a way to control the crazy that toys can create. I didn’t come up with this on my own. I searched and searched and have been so glad to have discovered this great Toy Rotation System!


Chores At The Parsonage

Thursday, September 27th, 2012

If you’ve spent any amount of time in my home you know the amount of constant work there is to be done. I’m sure it’s that way in your home too!
