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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

Archive for the ‘Pregnancy’ Category

In Houston

Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021

We got off to a rocky start but we finally made it to Houston. Yesterday, a few minutes before we were to leave for the airport we were notified that our flight had been cancelled. 😳So a little after 11am we threw our suitcases in our car and set off for Texas. We broke up the 14 hour drive and stopped outside of Dallas last night. We are relieved to be here today, one day early instead of two but very thankful we at least planned the extra day so this wasn’t a complete disaster.

I will check in at the hospital tomorrow morning at 7:30 for an MRI, day 1 of testing and evaluations.

Baby Girl

Tuesday, June 15th, 2021

June 12: Last week, at almost 22 weeks, we had another check up with our fetal medicine specialist. We got a nice picture of baby’s little face, the first we’ve gotten since all this began. We were relieved to hear that she is growing as she should be. Nothing regarding her condition has changed or worsened as far as our doctor can tell. We are still on track to leave on June 21st for Houston. Our prayers now are:

  1. Safe and healthy travel. Specifically that Aubri will remain free from COVID as that could prohibit the possibility of the fetal surgery.
  2. Our children while we are gone, especially our youngest two, they will all miss us.
  3. That the tests have favorable results and the surgery will be approved.
  4. If it’s not approved that we will be emotionally prepared for the challenges that will come next for our daughter.
  5. That the surgery would be successful for all of us and the low risk of early labor will not be a problem.

Boy or Girl?

Saturday, June 12th, 2021

It’s been a few weeks ago but the babies were so excited to find out they have another…..

Another Blessing

Thursday, May 20th, 2021

With great joy we announce the life of our 11th living child, who God willing will come into the world at the end of September. We do also ask for prayers as we learned at our 13 week ultrasound that our sweet baby has Spina Bifida.

Phil and I are planning to travel to Houston, Texas on June 21st for testing and possible fetal surgery on our unborn baby. If surgery is approved to repair this condition in utero, we will be away from our children for approximately four weeks.

There’s an overwhelming amount of challenges ahead for all of us. Right now we are just so thankful for life and for all the blessings this baby will bring to our family.

If you would like to learn more about Spina Bifida and the surgery feel free to watch some of the very informative videos posted HERE.