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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

Archive for the ‘Laughs’ Category

Dear Santa

Wednesday, December 24th, 2014


Every year our school has the kids write letters to Santa. I still don’t understand why the school makes Santa such a priority but here we are.

I do enjoy reading what my babies write. It gives me and Phil and good laugh. Lily so practical, Gerhardt all boy (who doesn’t have even one motorcycle btw) and then Clara, overflowing, on and on, thoughtful and taking advantage of the opportunity to ask for everything her heart desires. I can’t wait for my glass turkey. (Hers was the longest in the entire school I’ll add.)


The Things They Say

Wednesday, July 30th, 2014


Forgive the Cheez-It teeth.


How can you tell if your baby is German?

Esther: Open die fridge. Put die milk back in.

Esther: I can’t reach it!
Mama: What are you reaching for?
Esther: Die fan.


Clara: “Mama did you know we have a crack in our booty?”
Mama: “Yes!”
Clara: “That’s how God made it. And He made our eyes and our ears and our mouth and our nose and our hair and our head. But I made my bracelet.”


Lily: Was this kitchen all Daddy’s before you got married?
Mama: Yep.
Lily: And was there not a lot of food in it? Did all you see was Macaroni and Spaghetti when you came?
Mama: Ha!

Lily: I wish I liked more foods. Then I wouldn’t complain about it.
Mama: 🙁



The First of April

Tuesday, April 1st, 2014


20 Pounds in 30 Days….APRIL FOOLS!



Ice Cream With the Dog

Saturday, March 29th, 2014


“After my first baby I stopped sterilizing everything. Toys which had been kicked under the sofa and retrieved by the dog were cheerfully chewed on by the toddlers who thrived under conditions which would have horrified the health department.

It only took about three toddlers for me to realize that a baby who crawls all over the floor and then sucks his thumb, without dying from dysentery, will not be contaminated by sharing an ice-cream cone with the dog”

Teresa Bloomingdale I Should Have Seen It Coming When The Rabbit Died