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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

No Place Like Home.

February 27th, 2010 by Aubri

I recently read a post on a blog I follow about giving your children “enriching experiences” on a budget. It talked about not needing money to have a fun and memorable time with your kids or a fun time learning something with them. It got me thinking. My girls aren’t old enough to take places where we have to pay to have fun and learn something like zoos (though we have been there and I have to say it was more fun for me and Phil than the girls we know but we needed to get out) or museums. Even if they were we live pretty far from any cities that would give them this opportunity. So how do I make ‘home’ a fun and “enriching” place to be? I came up with some things ideas:

  • Once the weather permits we will have a great time exploring outside
  • We have a very nice park here in town (again Aubri the weather has to be “warmer” for this!)
  • I loved building forts when I was little
  • Dress up!
  • Craft time of course
  • Read books or go to our town Library
  • Picnics inside! That was always so fun for me!
  • Cushion Mountain and Cushion Bridge

I took the cushions off the couch and chair in our living room and made a “mountain” and a “bridge”. The girls (and I) had a lot of fun and burned some energy for sure! Lily gets pretty riled up, but I think it’s been really good for her.

I’ll keep trying to come up with more ideas. If any one has other suggestions I’d love to hear them!

Cushion Bridge where you run as fast as you can and fall over. (It’s fun, trust me)

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