“But we request of you, brethren, that you appreciate those who diligently labor among you, and have charge over you in the Lord and give you instruction, and that you esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Live in peace with one another.” 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13
October is Pastor appreciation month. Here is a list of some ways you can show your pastor your appreciation and love. I ‘heart’ my pastor and my list looks a little different from this one so unless you want to make sure he always has clean underwear and chopped onions to eat with every meal this one from Synod should be more helpful.
Simple acts that feed a shepherd…
1. Pray for your pastor.
Ask God to shower your pastor with an abundance of love, hope, and joy, as he pursues the activities of ministry for you and your family.
2. Identify a special committee to “care for pastor”.
This is a group of people in your congregation with the gift for caring. Their work is completely separate from the elders, church council, or other governing board of the congregation. They represent, serve, and advocate for the needs of the pastor, and lead the rest of the congregation in the dynamics of caring for him and his family.
3. Express appreciation, spoken and written.
A spoken compliment is always welcome. A written one can be read over and over again. Tell pastor’s wife something nice about him, she’ll appreciate it and he will hear about it later. For the same reason, compliment him to his children.
4. Celebrate with a special meal
Host an annual celebration at which your pastor and his family are the honored guests.
5. Respect his time.
When possible, give advance notice about meetings, confirmation parties, invitation to rehearsal dinners, and other events to which he will be invited.
6. Live in peace.
Appreciation is more than cards and gifts, it’s an attitude. Pastors sometimes face a great deal of criticism, both to their face, and behind their back. Speak well of your pastor when you hear him criticized.
7. Encourage his personal interests.
Find out what your pastor likes. Is he interested in baseball? How about music? Does he golf? He will feel appreciated when you discover and support the interests of his wife as well.
8. Lovingly insist on “time off”.
Your pastor will need to take time for renewal and rest, but may feel as though there is too much work to get done. Help him know that he not only has permission to get appropriate rest and relaxation, but that it will benefit his ministry and provide a good model for the members.
9. Support a strategy for professional connections.
Your pastor desires to be the best he can be in serving you, and will need to remain current with continuing education. Encourage him to meet regularly with other pastors. Your financial and emotional support in this regard is vital.
10. Encourage time with his loved ones.
Ask if he has scheduled a “date night” and “family night”? Offer ideas about babysitting, if that would help.
11. Respect the dinner hour.
Your pastor will feel obligated to answer the phone when it rings, so discover when he and his family typically sit down for dinner, and plan to contact him at a different time.
12. Show special attention to his wife, but treat his children the same way you treat other children.