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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

Living the dream.

September 4th, 2009 by Aubri

I’m reading a blog a stay at home mom in MT keeps. She posted one of her reasons for blogging;

I would like to encourage other homemakers in their chosen vocation and even provide a few laughs when appropriate. Hopefully I’ll even be able to convince some skeptics that some people, at least, can be happy and fulfilled as a homemaker/stay at home mom and be quite different from the unfortunate stereotype of either a bon-bon eating, cheap romance reading, lazy, wimp lolling around home all day while her husband labors at his chosen career; or a brow-beaten, uneducated, harried wife trying to care for unruly children while her husband is off enjoying himself. Perhaps that language is a bit strong. However, I hope that I fit in neither category (even remotely). I am thrilled to be living my dream of being a wife and mother, and I love my job. It is so fulfilling.”

I think she has a wonderful goal. She sounds very happy. I was both chagrined and curious about her apparent contentment. I have to admit I am more often than not that “brow-beaten, harried wife” she condemns and actually bon-bons don’t sound too bad if I had them. But I’m frustrated with myself, with the sinner I face everyday. I do have my “dream job”. I am “living the dream”. Being a wife and mother is all I ever wanted to be. But even so I find many ways to be so unhappy, so “unfulfilled”, not “loving my job”. Of course my flesh doesn’t want me to be content, doesn’t want me to find joy in the blessings I have. Being a wife is hard, being a mother is hard, managing a home is hard. The hardships often blind me from the fact that I’m fulfilling a divine call and that I’ve been so blessed with a loving, responsible, wise husband and two beautiful, sweet little girls. I am so thankful to be living my “dream” and I do find all the fulfillment I’ll ever find in this life in doing this but I’m not always “thrilled” about it. I’m more thrilled that God helps me to faithfully daily fulfill the duties He has given me and knowing that I am absolutely fulfilling His “will for my life” and that He has given me such a precious family to give my life to, to live out my days in faithfulness to and to love abundantly until I leave this life and find everlasting fulfillment.

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