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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

At the Parsonage

November 27th, 2013 by Aubri


Last week we had our first “real” snow. We’ve gotten some flurries here and there over the past couple months, but this time the snow stuck around long enough for the babies to enjoy it for way longer than I should have let them. But it was a warm 7 degrees outside and all moms know that some frost bite is good for you.



Since it looks like the cold weather is here to stay, there has been much snuggling.


Snuggling whether you like it or not.

Last week we commemorated St. Elizabeth of Hungary one of our favorite saints.

You can listen to these discussions on her HERE and HERE.


Since she was known for her kindness to the poor, secretly taking bread to them, we gave our neighbors a freshly baked loaf. No, our neighbors are not “the poor”, but I thought this would be a good tradition and truly, as Martin Luther rightly said, “we are all beggars” are we not?


And we gathered up some canned goods for the girls to take the the food drive they were having at school. Wait, not the green beans. I kept those….


For a snack we ate cinnamon rolls, not sure why except that I came across a recipe for Hungarian Cinnamon bread that sounded good and appropriate for the day just didn’t have time to actually make that. So I went with this canned biscuit makeover.




While gobbling these up I over heard Clara say:

“Lily, I want to eat them all but I want to share.” and “These are too sweet but I like them.” Oh Clara.

Sunday we celebrated Christ the King Sunday.


Our lovely centerpieces from here.


The big girls decorated our cake for Jesus, a King’s crown. I used this recipe from Catholic Cuisine since I didn’t get around to using it for St. Elizabeth’s day.

Today in spite of colds and pink eye floating around, we’re planning and preparing for our Thanksgiving feast. Our turkey is in the oven, the pie is baked and we’re munching on pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.

Hope you are all enjoying the preparations and traditions you have with your families!

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