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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

Archive for the ‘The Things They Say’ Category

The Things They Say – The Esther Edition

Tuesday, December 8th, 2015


Esther is learning a new song for Advent, “Come Thou long Inspector Jesus”


The Things They Say

Friday, November 20th, 2015



Gerhardt: I namded Wolfie a different name.
Mama: What is it?
Gerhardt: Little Flock.

Perfect for a wolf don’t you think?

Mama: Ok, we’re gonna watch the old Inspector Gadget that Mama watched when I was a kid!
Lily: Awww, noooo. Is it in color?

On a day the song Matchmaker from Fiddler on the Roof got stuck in my head.

Mama singing beautifully: Matchmaker matchmaker make me a match.
Ephraim: Ok!
Again a few minutes later.
Mama still singing: And find me a perfect match! (yes I know, that’s not even a line in the song)
Ephraim in his sweet non-English and pulling a book off the shelf: I hind you a erfeckt atch!

Gerhardt: Esther you’re gonna have to mop, while I eat.

And now the things they won’t always say….sniff sniff

Esther: Ice Cream Scone, Smovie Theater (smoothies) Nuffins (muffins)

Gerhardt: I need ear puffs. (Coming inside) Mama I need ear puffs. (Looking through the ear puff drawer) Now where are the ear puffs?

The Things They Say

Thursday, October 22nd, 2015


Gerhardt: Can we wear this for Halloween Mama?
Mama: Yes, yes you can.

Phil to Clara (at a particularly naughty moment): Watch your mouth Clara.
Clara: How am I supposed to see my mouth?


Clara to Lily while fawning over Martha: How ’bout this is our baby. We both had half a baby. I had the head and you had the other thing and then we stuck them together.
Both: Awwww.
Solomon would be glad Clara wasn’t one of the ladies he was dealing with that day!

Mama to Gerhardt and Esther: Alright now we need to learn our letters.
Gerhardt: Nooooo, we already know those see, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!

The Things They Say

Saturday, May 30th, 2015

IMG_3497Gerhardt’s handsome hair.

So we went to town for lunch last week and I drove The Mini all the way home.

Gerhardt: Mama drove?!
Phil: Yep, you didn’t know Mama could drive did you?
Gerhardt: ….not without wrecking!
Phil: HA HA HA!!!


Esther: I love Jesus. Jesus is my favorite guy.

Esther to Mama: Make me into fat. Make me a fat girl.
Apparently this means to give her big tight squeezy hugs into my squishy tummy. I obliged and made her real fat.



Lily: Everything I say in my mind it comes out of my mouth!
I have that problem too Lily.