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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

Archive for the ‘Good Read’ Category

She shall be saved in childbearing…

Friday, September 10th, 2010

The Treasure Hunt

From Evlogia

As a mother of many children, attending the divine services is a matter of constant movement. Arms rarely empty, I cannot recollect ending a service in the same spot as which I began. Long ago I abandoned the naively willful notion that equates the distractions of caring for my young with lost opportunities of grace. Quite the contrary. A will pruned by repeated cuttings bears far more fruit than one at rest in external peace and quiet. She shall be saved in childbearing.

She shall receive the opportunity to live for another.

Read more HERE

Something to Think About

Monday, August 23rd, 2010

“People say the domestic life is narrow and stultifying, a prison for the intellect. Feminists have long made this claim. I guess you could say it’s true, but only if you think human history is boring, the laws of nature are boring, love is boring, birth is boring, children are boring, personality is boring, the mind is boring, morality is boring, death is boring, male and female are boring, sex is boring, illness is boring, kisses are boring, prayers are boring, philosophy is boring, poetry is boring, God is boring, the seasons are boring, gravity is boring, song is boring, trees are boring, sunlight is boring, the stars are boring, snow is boring, dew is boring. If all this is true, the home is not what it appears: a fount of ideas and truths, a university and a museum, a laboratory for the curious, a gallery of all that is human. If the home is boring, life itself is a desert.”

Laura Wood The Thinking Housewife

The "Figure It Out" Philosophy

Sunday, August 22nd, 2010

Excellent post here! With a growing household I’m seeing how it is increasingly necessary to have a lot of structure, discipline and oh yes, little maids.

Preserving a Christian Home III

Saturday, May 15th, 2010

Read Bible Stories to your children, sing hymns and pray with them.
Ever since I have attended college I have observed children of pastors, church workers, and Lutheran school graduates that weren’t interested in talking theology. Indeed, I observed they didn’t know much theology. Quite often the children would know the church politics and gossip more than they did about what the Bible taught. This is nothing new. Laache: Book of Family Prayer was published 1884. The first week of Epiphany, Laache urges parents to pray for their children. He points out it is so sad when we observe children of Christian parents leave the faith. Laache asserts that the parents did not faithfully pray for them. This is one reason I am so keen in talking theology with my children. So I urge parents as well to teach and sing hymns and pray with their children. This is also talking theology.
God rewards parents who read and teach their children to treasure God’s Word. Your children learn to talk theology, especially with you. This gives them confidence in God’s Word. God wants all His children to turn to Him in everyway. When children see their parents humble themselves under God’s Word and tender care, the reward is great. . Only God’s Word and the Sacraments can give this confidence. The Marks of the Church. The B-I-B-L-E. The Preached Word. Holy Baptism. The Lord’s Supper. That is all we have to offer our children and it is our duty to do it and be confident that God will be faithful in what He has offered for us to give to our children. Hymns are prayers to God. These hymns keep us mindful of what God has done for us in Jesus and we pray with thankfulness and for strength. Pray for your children.

Preserving a Christian Home by Dorothy Preus