July 4: Well, he did turn 2 months old on the 4th. πΊπΈπ
(more…)Archive for the ‘Martin’ Category
Friday, September 4th, 2020
July 2: Martin gets to meet his godparents Tony and Becca. Good friends and former church members of ours here. They would have loved to attend the baptism of this guy but they’ve moved to Ohio last Summer and had to miss it. At least we got some time in when they were back visiting!
Biggest Sis
Friday, August 21st, 2020
May 4: Not that long ago I was taking one month photos of her!
One Month Old
Friday, August 21st, 2020
June 4: You’re ONE month old Martin! You are the loudest gruntiest baby we’ve ever had. You really don’t like to sleep much at night and you is gassy, but we still love you.